Case Title: M/S.Shreyas Marketing V. Micro and Small Enterprises Facilitation Council Bench : The Hon’ble Mr. Justice Kauser Edappagath Date : 16
Case Title: M/S.Shreyas Marketing V. Micro and Small Enterprises Facilitation Council Bench : The Hon’ble Mr. Justice Kauser Edappagath Date : 16
Case Title:   Sulthan Beevi.                                               … Petitioner  Â
Case Title:   Guru @ Paramaguru                                                … Petitioner
Case Title:  Mr. Ramasaravanan               … Petitioner                                  Â
Case Title:  Hindustan Unilever Ltd.   … Appellant                                  Versus The Deputy
Case Title: Rabecca Joseph …Petitioner                                             Vs.    Â
Case Title:       Mr. M. Prakash          …. Petitioner                     Â
Karnataka High Court Mrs Gauramma & Others V. State of Karnataka & ANR CRIMINAL PETITION No.4725 OF 2023 Bench-Â Â HON’BLE MR. JUSTI
Karnataka High Court Pr Commissioner Of Income-1 Tax (Exemptions) V. M/S Rashtreeya Sikshana Samithi Trust Income Tax Appeal No. 554 Of 2018 Benc
Title: Siddharth Mishra & Ors. V. UPSC Introduction The Delhi High Court urged the Central Administrative Tribunal on Wednesday to rule quickly