Citation: Criminal Application No.552 Of 2023 Coram: Vinay Joshi And Valmiki Sa Menezes, Jj. Decided On: 06.10.2023. Introduction: This is an appli
Citation: Criminal Application No.552 Of 2023 Coram: Vinay Joshi And Valmiki Sa Menezes, Jj. Decided On: 06.10.2023. Introduction: This is an appli
Title: Chandralok People Welfare Association v. State of Maharashtra Coram : Gs Patel & Kamal Khata, Jj Dated : 18th October 2023 Introduction:
Title: FAROOQ AHMAD LONE vs. STATE OF J&K & OTHERS Citation: OWP No.1448/2014 Coram: HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE RAJNESH OSWAL Decided on: 21.10.
Title: M/s. Global Plasto Wears v. Assistant Tax Officer Decided on: 17 October, 2023 + WP (C) No. 33787 of 2023 CORAM: HON’BLE Mr. Justice D
Title: Devendra Prasad Yadav vs. Jharkhand Gramin Bank & ORS. Citation: W.P.(S). NO. 1432 of 2016 Coram: HON’BLE DR. JUSTICE S.N. PATHAK Intr
Coram : Chief Justice Sanjeev Narula Order date : 17th October, 2023 Introduction : A PIL was filed in the hon’ble Delhi Hig
Title: Mrigraj Gautam @ Rippu vs. State Of U.P. And 3 Others Citation: CRIMINAL MISC. BAIL APPLICATION No. – 45007 of 2023 Decided on: 26.10.
Title: Kulwinder Singh v. State of Punjab Citation: CRM-M-50091-2023 Decided on: 09.10.2023 Coram: Justice Arun Monga Introduction The Punjab &
Citation : Writ Petition No. 4022 of 2021 Coram : Justice G. S. Kulkarni, Justice Jitendra Jain Order date : 30th October, 2023 Introduction : Th
Case no:WP12428 of 2015 THE HON’BLE SRI JUSTICE E.V.VENUGOPAL Introduction The Telangana High Court which is the court in command held that a