Blogs And Articles

By the team of Prime Legal
Legal implications of space exploration
Legal implications of space exploration
November 12, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Introduction Space exploration has evolved significantly over the years, with nations worldwide engaging in a myriad of activities beyond EarthR

Caste-Based Reservations and Affirmative Action: A Legal Outlook
Caste-Based Reservations and Affirmative Action: A Legal Outlook
November 11, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Abstract Caste-based reservations and affirmative action policies have been pivotal in addressing historical social inequalities in countries like

The High Court of Kerala addressed Infra developers to embark on Risk management in the planning stage(Disaster management)
The High Court of Kerala addressed Infra developers to embark on Risk management in the planning stage(Disaster management)
November 11, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Case Number: WP(C) NO. 41159 OF 2022 (T) Case Title: Syama M. v. State of Kerala & Ors. Order dated: 8th day of November, 2023 CORAM: THE HONOU

A project is finalized on instituting a specific training academy for public prosecutors – The High Court of Delhi
A project is finalized on instituting a specific training academy for public prosecutors – The High Court of Delhi
November 11, 2023by Primelegal Team0

W.P.(C) 1091/2013 & CM APPL. 9415/2014, CM APPL.14231/2015 Case Title: COURT ON ITS OWN MOTION v. State and Other Connected Matters Petitioner

High Court Bombay recommend that a detailed enquiry be initiated on the failure on the part of the Faceless Assessing Officer concerned.
High Court Bombay recommend that a detailed enquiry be initiated on the failure on the part of the Faceless Assessing Officer concerned.
November 10, 2023by Primelegal Team0

High Court Bombay recommend that a detailed enquiry be initiated on the failure on the part of the Faceless Assessing Officer concerned. Title : Vo

Bombay High Court observed on necessity of smooth functioning of E-filling system
Bombay High Court observed on necessity of smooth functioning of E-filling system
November 10, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Bombay High Court observed on necessity of smooth functioning of E-filling system Title : MANGAL RAMSURAT SINGH v. THE STATE OF MAHARASHTRA Case No

The Supreme Court has granted permission to a man to donate his liver to his 3-year-old cousin, who holds Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) status.
The Supreme Court has granted permission to a man to donate his liver to his 3-year-old cousin, who holds Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) status.
November 10, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: Rajveer Singh Vs. Union of India Citation: WRIT PETITION (C) Diary No.45541/2023 Decided on: 09.11.2023 Coram: Justice A.S. Bopanna and Just

The Rajasthan High Court held that it is unlawful to withhold an employee’s pension or gratuity, especially if they are already enrolled in an outdated pension plan
The Rajasthan High Court held that it is unlawful to withhold an employee’s pension or gratuity, especially if they are already enrolled in an outdated pension plan
November 10, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: Ramesh Kumar v. State of Rajasthan & Ors. Decided on: 19 October, 2023 + Civil Writ Petition No. 20043/2017 CORAM: Hon’ble Justice Ano

The Kerala High Court held that Reservation under Central Educational Institutions (Reservation and Admission) Act applies to IIMs
The Kerala High Court held that Reservation under Central Educational Institutions (Reservation and Admission) Act applies to IIMs
November 10, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: Mahesh Mohan v. Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode & Anr Decided on: 02 November, 2023 + WP (C) No. 30510 of 2023 CORAM: Hon’bl

The Kerala High Court acquitted an accused in an NDPS (Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances) case, citing the prosecution’s failure to produce the accused’s alleged written consent for the search in the absence of a magistrate.
The Kerala High Court acquitted an accused in an NDPS (Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances) case, citing the prosecution’s failure to produce the accused’s alleged written consent for the search in the absence of a magistrate.
November 10, 2023by Primelegal Team0

Title: Raveendranath V State of Kerala Citation: CRL.A NO. 1200 OF 2023 Decided on: 09.11.2023 Coram: Justice N. Nagaresh Introduction The Kerala H