The custody of a child born out of wedlock in the midst of a matrimonial dispute between the appellant and respondent has been dealt in this Judgme
The custody of a child born out of wedlock in the midst of a matrimonial dispute between the appellant and respondent has been dealt in this Judgme
This judgment revolves around the conviction of the appellants under Section 304 (Part-I) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), concerning culpable homic
This case deals with the interplay between arbitration agreements governed by the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, and the stamping requirem
The case of Mohammed Abdul Wahid Vs Nilofer & Anr. (Special Leave Petition (Civil)No.14445 of 2021), there were two contradictory judgements by
The judgment revolves around the conviction and sentencing of the case involving alcohol poisoning resulting in fatalities, injuries, and blindness
In the realm of risk and uncertainty, individuals and organisations seek solace in the bastion of insurance – a covenant forged on the bedrock of
The key issue at the heart of this judgment revolves around the maintainability of curative petitions filed by the appellants following the dismiss
The current case involves the Limitation Act of 1963, which is a law that specifies the time frame during which a legal action can be filed in cou
As per Section 14(4) for the purposes of adjudication of dispute before it, the Tribunal has been vested with the powers of a civil court. Further
Divorce, also known as dissolution of marriage, is the legal process of ending a married union. It entails cancelling or restructuring the legal ob