When there is no reason to keep the applicant behind the bars for an indefinite period, then the accused should be released on bail. A single Judge
When there is no reason to keep the applicant behind the bars for an indefinite period, then the accused should be released on bail. A single Judge
The petitioners were apprehended under Section 147 IPC, “Punishment for rioting”, section 341, “Punishment for wrongful restraint” section
The process of the court will get abused by the continuance of criminal proceedings in a matter where the settlement has been done. A single bench
In a criminal case where the victim and the accused person have arrived at a compromise and there are no other witnesses to the alleged crime, ther
If an employee is prevented by the employer from performing his duties, the employee cannot be blamed for having not worked, and the principle of &
Possession for arms without permit is illegal, but this illegality requires to proven by following the appropriate procedures and the mandated code
When a crime especially when it is of a violent nature, the law is very clear and instructive in order to protect the victims, however it also prov
In her application the appellant was seeking the following information: Upload here a copy of IGRP dated November 24, 2015. Upload the Exchanges Co
The appellate authority under the RTI (Right to Information) Act of the Securities and Exchange Board of India comprising of Mr. Amarjeet Singh adj
In connection with Motipur PS Case No. 91 of 2020 on the 24th of March 2020. The petitioner was arrested under 341 of the Indian Penal Code, “Pun