Section 152 of The Code of Civil Procedure applies to clerical and arithmetical mistakes in judgments, decrees or orders or errors arising from any
Section 152 of The Code of Civil Procedure applies to clerical and arithmetical mistakes in judgments, decrees or orders or errors arising from any
Even if the Financial Commissioner came to conclude that reasons would not justify the grant of any interim relief to the petitioner revisionist ex
The Hon’ble Supreme Court has reiterated the principle of bail as a general rule and keeping the person in jail is an exception, however, the Cou
Unless there is material on record to justify the claims of price fixing by collusion, mere commonality of ownership does not indicate violation of
The Petitioner was caught in the act of concealing the controlled substances in one room of his residence, where the Police reached and also consid
The order, in purported exercise of the powers conferred under Section 51(b) of the Disaster Management Act, 2005 (the Act) read with Section 3 (b)
If any person who commits an act that results into disturbing the peace and public tranquility of an area, he can be bound down by directing him to
It is settled law that once the dispute is predominantly civil in nature and is not against the society, the offences, though, non compoundable can
The contract’s conditions must be strictly followed and given natural meaning. Once a policy has been specifically excluded, it cannot be re
This Court no doubt can look in to evidence but cannot appreciate the evidence brought on record by the prosecution as upheld by the High Court of