The Supreme Court held that the demand for a rent increase is entirely irrelevant for determining the bonafide requirement for a landlord
The Supreme Court held that the demand for a rent increase is entirely irrelevant for determining the bonafide requirement for a landlord
The petition challenging the Rajasthan Compulsory Registration of Marriages (Amendment) Bill was dismissed by the Supreme Court through th
The Supreme Court held that all members of society, including those with disabilities, should be able to access court decisions through the learned
The obligation of an advocate is to inform the court the death of the party whom he was representing : high court of Calcutta A bare reading of
The technical sense of survivorship prevailing in Hindu Law : High Court of Calcutta The words Survives and surviving have not been used in the tec
Click here to view the judgement In this age of docket explosion it is the duty of the court to dispose of suits in summary way where there is no p
The Bombay High Court on 26th July ruled that if the parties reach an agreement, the contract between the parties is discharged by mutual consent,
The Bombay High Court on 10th June ruled that the Arbitral Tribunal is not a Civil Court within the sense and scope of the Code of Civil Procedure,
The Bombay High Court on 18th August observed that the Insurance Ombudsman acts like a tribunal while resolving a complaint and decided that an ins
This appeal filed on behalf of the appellant is hereby dismissed by HIGH COURT OF MADHYA PRADESH AT INDORE in the case of BASANT V. THE STATE OF MA