TITLE: Navalkishor Singh v. The State of Bihar & Ors. Decided on: 18-07-2023 CWJC No: 4938/2023 Coram: HONOURABLE MR. JUSTICE PURNENDU SINGH
TITLE: Navalkishor Singh v. The State of Bihar & Ors. Decided on: 18-07-2023 CWJC No: 4938/2023 Coram: HONOURABLE MR. JUSTICE PURNENDU SINGH
Case Title: Ramprasad Sharma versus Ghamandi Lal & ors. Case No.: S.B. Civil Miscellaneous Appeal No. 2715/2009 Decided on: 11/07/2023 Cora
Case Title: Rajesh Jhala versus The State Of Rajasthan & others Case No.: D.B. Special Appeal Writ No. 492/2023 Decided on: 02/06/2023 Coram: H
TITLE: Mrs. Revathi Vs. CBSE Siksha Kendra and Ors. Decided On: July 18, 2023. Writ Petition Nos.1422 and 5596 of 2022 and W.M.P.Nos.1563 &
TITLE: D. Balasankaralingam Vs. State by Inspector of Police, CBI. Decided On: July 17, 2023. Crl.A.No.3 of 2009 and Crl.MP.No.660 of 2022. CORAM
Case Title: Rohitashwa Kumar versus State Of Rajasthan & others Case No.: S.B. Civil Writ Petition No. 17491/2018 Decided on: 11.07.2023 Coram:
Title: Neelam Devi vs. State Of U.P.Thru Prin.Secy.Co-Operative Lko And Ors Dated: 17th July, 2023 WRIT – A No. – 18566 of 2021
Case Title: Hindustan Zinc Ltd. Versus C.C.E. Case No.: D.B. Central/excise Appeal No. 4/2010 Decided on: 11/07/2023 Coram: HON’BLE MR. JUSTI
Case Title: Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rashtriy Sansthan versus Rajasthan Housing Board & Ors. Case No.: S.B. Civil Writ Petition No. 4386/2005 De
Title: X vs. State Of U.P. And 4 Others Dated: 12th July, 2023 WRIT – C No. – 22016 of 2023 CORAM: Hon’ble Mahesh Chandra