Title: AYUR UNITED CARE LLP v. UNION OF INDIA & ANR Decided on: 16th October, 2023 W.P.(C)-IPD 61/2021 CORAM: Hon’ble Justice C. HARI SHANK
Title: AYUR UNITED CARE LLP v. UNION OF INDIA & ANR Decided on: 16th October, 2023 W.P.(C)-IPD 61/2021 CORAM: Hon’ble Justice C. HARI SHANK
Title: TV Today Network Limited v. Capital TV and Ors Decided on: 12th October, 2023 I.A. 20151/2023 CORAM: Hon’ble Justice Prathiba M. Sin
Title: M/S Ram Kamal Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. v. Union Of India And 3 Others Decided on: 9th October, 2023 WRIT TAX No. – 1435 of 2018 CORAM: Hon
Title: Jasram Jat v. Inspector General of Police & Ors Decided on: 11th October, 2023 S.B. Civil Writ Petition No. 759/2012 CORAM: Hon’ble Ju
By-Sushant Kumar Sharma ABSTRACT: The burden to decide on the demand of legalizing and recognizing same-sex marriage by the LGBTQIA+ community now
Title: A. Bhima Naga Rmaesh V. Union of India. Decided on October 04, 2023. Case No.: WP (PIL) No.: 154 of 2023. CORUM: THE HON’BLE JUSTICE SRI A
Title: Deepak Prakash Singh @ Deepak Singh v. State of UP and Another. Decided on October 13, 2023. Case N0. Criminal Misc. Anticipatory Bail Appli
Title: Raghav Chadha vs. Rajya Sabha Secretariat (FAO 264/2023) Date of Decision: October 17, 2023 CORAM: Hon’ble Mr. Justice Anup Jairam Bha
Title: The Pr. Commissioner od Income Tax-4 vs. Ms. Hellmann Worldwide Logistic India Pvt. Ltd. ITA 1424/2018 Date of Decision: 04.10.2023 CORAM: H
TITLE – T. Hemanth Kumar Yadav and others vs Telangana State Co-operative Apex Bank Ltd and others. Decided On – 11.09.2023 24441 of 2020